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House in the Woods

Halloween Activities

Clown Peeking Through Window

Trick or Treat!

It's not a real Halloween party without a little Trick or Treating!


But, we're doing Trick or Treating, Brujeria style!


Pick up our special Trick or Treat sticker and bag from registration, grab some candy or single serving bottles of alcohol, put the sticker on your door and wait for the Trick or Treaters!


Or vice versa, grab your bags and look for the Trick or Treat sticker to find some fun goodies in the hotel!

In addition to these activities, we have a lot more surprises in store for you.

Face painting, masquerade balls, the haunted pool party, and much more!

We aim to make this the best Halloween dance experience you've ever had!

Costume Contest

It's time to get creative!


Bring you best costume...


If you get picked as a finalist, you'll get called up on stage for an opportunity to win some awesome prizes for the best costume of the weekend!

Crow Silhouette by Moonlight

Murder Mystery

Find the clues and solve the mystery in our very own version of Clue at Brujeria.

But for this mystery, EVERY dancer is a suspect.  Start with you first clue, find the dancer, get the next clue!


Solve the mystery and win the killer prize!

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